Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Make your own oil lamps for your deck!

I found this one on another blog called (Judy of the woods) she is a bit strange, but she is doing some cool stuff like this oil lamp. It's made from a salsa jar I had and the wick holder is a piece of copper from some house wire the wick is just string. The oil is just veg oil from the kitchen that had gone past it's use by date. I put a link to Judy's blog in my blog list, she has pretty good how to on how to make it on her blog. I will give you a hint though use a bobby pin to pull the wick through. Also another hint if you make the handle to fit in the jar you can put a lid on it to snuff the flame, plus if you want to store it out side it keeps water and dirt out of it.

You can see the difference between the two pictures here, ones out and the others is in the jar. By the way no I didn't fix first one I made another one. There vary handy out on the deck at night.

You can do it with out a handle but if you want to take it out and replace the wick or light it, it's easier with a handle. That's what the tool in my other post the (Handy tool you can make your self!) was for.

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